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Famas Rifle War Tycoon

Discover the Best Assault Rifles in Roblox War Tycoon

From the FAMAS to the MCX Spear

Assault rifles are indispensable in the realm of Roblox War Tycoon. With their high damage and versatility, they can dominate close-quarters combat and provide support from afar.


The FAMAS is a French 5.56mm assault rifle known for its unique bullpup design. It can be found on the Ground Level near the spawn point. The FAMAS excels in close-range encounters with its high rate of fire.

The MCX Spear

The MCX Spear stands out as one of the best assault rifles in the game. This weapon boasts exceptional accuracy and range, making it ideal for long-distance engagements. Its balanced stats make it a reliable choice in any situation.


Whether you prefer the close-quarters capabilities of the FAMAS or the long-range precision of the MCX Spear, there's an assault rifle in Roblox War Tycoon to suit every playstyle. Join the battle and become a force to reckon with.
